
Modern Slavery Policy

Zero Tolerance:

Rapid Security Services Ltd (RSS Ltd) operates a zero-tolerance policy to Modern Slavery and fully supports the intentions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Modern Slavery is an infringement on basic human rights such as: the right to life, freedom from torture and the right to fair and just working conditions. It materialises in many ways including: Human Trafficking, Forced Labour; Debt Slavery; Child Slavery; Domestic Slavery, Child and Forced Marriage and Slavery in the Supply Chain. Forced labour is the most common form of slavery in the UK, arising from the pursuit of cheap products and services, with little consideration about the people behind them. 

At RSS Ltd, Eradicating Modern Slavery in all its forms across our business and supply chain is central to these values and is essential for conducting business in a fair, ethical, and responsible way. We are on a continuous journey of improving both our practices and policies which we remain committed to keeping at the front of our minds as we progress as a business. 

Rapid Security Services Ltd Structure 

RSS Ltd is a Manned Guarding and Cleaning Services provider currently operating solely in the UK. RSS Ltd is a Security Industry Authority ACS Accredited company. This year, RSS Ltd will perform a gap analysis review to identify any gaps within the company’s policies and procedures as well as to gauge general understanding of the issues related to modern slavery. The outcome of this gap analysis will be used to help guide RSS Ltd to implement any changes that may be required to improve RSS Ltd policies, procedures, and training provision. 

Rapid Security Services Ltd Supply Chain and Due Diligence:

Our Supply Chain is very limited and consist of only a few select companies that operate within our industry, we therefore do not believe our Supply Chain carries a high degree of risk relating to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. However, our intention is to carry out a deeper review to confirm this conclusion in the coming year. 

Other actions: 

  • We are reviewing our supplier due diligence processes to ensure our suppliers understand their responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and we have updated our Standard Supplier Contracts, so that Suppliers are contractually bound to comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Rapid Security Services Ltd Policies 

We are committed to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of Modern Slavery within the business or our Supply Chain. We have internal policies in place, including our recruitment and whistle blowing policies that demonstrate our commitment to this. 


We currently do not have any specific training on the Modern Slavery Act in place. We do however have a comprehensive suite of online training for new employees including on Whistle Blowing. Additionally, all staff have regular compulsory training requirements they must complete to ensure that they are up to date with the latest legislation and understand the actions they need to take if necessary. 

Each year we send out an engaging communication to our employees alerting them to the dangers of Modern Slavery and making them aware that our Whistle Blowing procedure should be followed should they know of or suspect any incidence of Modern Slavery in our business or Supply Chain. We shall make it clear that we take any such reports extremely seriously and we will act on them quickly. 

The Act:

In accordance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement can be found on our website and will be reviewed annually.

Approved by:

Ali Akbar – C.E.O.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dated: 1st June 2024

RSS-06v1 CSR Policy Communities                                                                                                                                                                             Reviewed: 1st June 2024

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