
Health and Safety Policy


Rapid Security Services Ltd (RSS Ltd) are committed to the highest standards of health & safety practice, so far as is reasonably practicable, in conducting our work activities and general business undertakings in line with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

We maintain a clear understanding of our social and statutory obligations towards our employees and the wider community at large. Our policy particularly sets out to: 

Safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of our employees and of others (e.g. subcontracted staff and the general public), who may be affected by our business operations.

We have set out the following key ‘organisational’ and ‘operational’ principles to support the effective achievement of our policy objectives. 

Organisational Principles:

  • The Directors recognise that the effective implementation of our Policy is reliant upon the individual and collective competencies of those personnel employed within RSS Ltd. To this end the company will: 
  • Set out the principal Health & Safety duties of its employees and objectives for achievements. 
  • Provide employees with safe places of work, plant, equipment, and substances etc., that are without risk to health when properly used. 
  • Provide employees with suitable and adequate training, information, and instruction to enable them to under- stand and fulfil their duties in a competent and         diligent manner. 
  • Provide a suitable forum for consultation which allows, and encourages, our employees to discuss health and safety matters with senior management. 
  • Provide suitable arrangements to ensure that the health and safety performance of our organisation is measured and reviewed with the aim of improving overall performance standards with this policy being available to all interested parties. 

Operational Principles: 

  • The Directors recognises the importance of providing, implementing, and maintaining effective health and safety procedures, in support of our business objectives.to this end the company will: 
  • Set and maintain high operational safety standards to ensure the provision of a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees. 
  • Effectively communicate our operational safety procedures to all our employees. 
  • Measure the health and safety performance standards of our operational activities.
  • Ensure the provision of adequate financial and physical resources to support the effective implementation of its policy 
  • Minimisation of safety, health and wellbeing risks through a comprehensive risk assessment process which is used to decide on priorities and to set                       objectives for managing OH&S hazards and reducing risks, these will be monitored on a frequent basis.
  • Ensure the review of this Policy on a yearly basis, or as otherwise necessary, with the aim of continually improving our performance standards. 

We are committed to a continuous improvement programme in respect to H&S. This policy is also freely available to our employees, service partners and any interested parties. 

Approved by:

Ali Akbar – C.E.O.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dated: 1st June 2024

RSS-04v1 Health and Safety Policy                                                                                                                                                                                   Reviewed June 2024

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